Natural Drug Discovery Company

Product Details:
Paperback: 588 pages
Publisher: LAP LAMBERT
Academic Publishing
(February 12, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3659522384
ISBN-13: 978-3659522383
GA-40 A New Immunotherapeutic & Anti-Cancer Drug
Paperback – February 12, 2014
By Giorgi Alexidze (Author)
The information provided in this book is fully dedicated to the new immunotherapeutic and anti-cancer drug GA-40 (plant origin peptide complex). The book is composed of two major parts. The first part of the book (GA-40 in Brief) is targeted at a wide audience. In this part of the book, the author provides information about GA-40’s pre-clinical and clinical research results in short and easy-to-understand conclusions. The author utilized hypothetical schemes to help explain the research results and the mechanisms of GA-40 action. This way, the presented material should be easier to understand, interesting, and available even to the readers that have no special scientific background. The second part of the book (Review of GA-40 Scientific Investigation) is strictly scientific. This part of the book describes the results of the GA-40 pre-clinical and clinical trials. It gives information about safety, immunomodulatory, anti-angiogenesis, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, cirrhosis, anti-hepatitis C, anti-nephritis, anti-tuberculosis, anti-prostatitis, anti- diabetes Mellitus actions of GA-40. The author is convinced that plant peptides in the near future may be a new generation of safe and highly effective medicine.
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Pishak, V. P., Rogovoy M. V. “Pathophysiology of the Chronic Nephritic Masugi”. Book, Chernivci, “Mistro”, 1008, 168 pages, 2011.
The given monograph presents the theoretical general conclusion and new solution of scientific problems concerning the pathogenesis of tubule-interstitial syndrome as the basis of the development of chronic and quickly progressing pathological process in the cortical, medullar substance and papillae of the kidneys under conditions of chronic Masugi nephritis (nephrotoxic serum nephritis).
GA-40 preparation under conditions of development of tubulointerstitial syndrome in case of chronic Masugi nephritis demonstrates its protective influence on the equilibrium of regulatory processes in the cortical substance and kidney papilla, with revealed in the prevention of spread of the connective tissue in the kidney interstitium; obturation processes on the level of kidney papilla and inhibits development of glomerulosclerosis.
The results on GA-40 Preclinical and Clinical Trials given in GA-40’s three dissertation works:
· 1. Dissertation for Ph.D. of medical science. Lisenko S. A. “GA-40’s effects on cancer micro-circulator channel distribution”. The dissertation is 170 pages long. 17 articles have been published based on this dissertation. Kavecki Institute of experimental oncology, and radio-biology. Kiev, Ukraine.
·2. Dissertation for Ph.D. of medical science. Popovich, A. B. “Liver and kidney functional-structural changes with severe hypoxia”. The dissertation is 205 pages long. 14 scientific articles have been published based on this dissertation. I. I. Gorbachovski Ternopol state medical university. Ternopol, Ukraine, 2010.
·3. Dissertation for Ph.D. of medical science. B.G. Savka. “Liver functional—morphological behavior with interstitial tubule disease”. The dissertation is 170 pages long. 15 articles have been published based on this dissertation. Bukuvinski state medical university of Ukraine. Chernovci, Ukraine, 2010.
On 27-29 October 2014 "Expocentre" Hosted the 8th International Forum "RosBioTech-2014" in Moscow.
The results on GA-40 Preclinical and Clinical Trials given in 65 scientific publications and in more than 18 GA-40 Preclinical and Clinical trials conclusions:
Giorgi Alexidze. “A New Immunotherapeutic and Anti-cancer Drug GA-40”. Book, LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Germany, 488pp. 2014.
Pishak, V. P., Rogovoy M. V. “Chronicle Nephritic Pathophysiology”. Book, Chernivci, “Mistro”, 1008, 168 pages, 2011.
Dissertation for Ph.D. of medical science. Lysenko S. A. “GA-40’s effects on cancer micro-circulator channel distribution”. The dissertation is 170 pages long. 17 articles have been published based on this dissertation. Kavecki Institute of experimental oncology, and radio-biology. Kiev, Ukraine, 2009.
Dissertation for Ph.D. of medical science. Popovich, A. B. “Liver and kidney functional-structural changes with severe hypoxia”. The dissertation is 205 pages long. 14 scientific articles have been published based on this dissertation. I. I. Gorbachovski Ternopol state medical university. Ternopol, Ukraine, 2010.
Dissertation for Ph.D. of medical science. B.G. Savka. “Liver functional—morphological behavior with interstitial tubule disease”. The dissertation is 170 pages long. 15 articles have been published based on this dissertation. The Bukuvinski state medical university of Ukraine. Chernovci, Ukraine, 2010.
Г. Думбадзе (Академик АНГ, Директор Института), Т. Хушиташвили, И. Шубладзе. Отчет Доклинического Изучение препарата ГА-40. «Изучение безопастности действия ГА-40 на организм по широкой программе». Научно-Исследовательском Институте Экспериментальной и Клинической Медицины Тбилисского Государственного Медицинского Университета, Тбилиси, Грузия, 1994 , стр. 1 –221.
Ю.М.Лапухин (Академик РАМН РФ, проф.). Директор института), А.К. Мартынов (к.м.н., Зав. Лаборатории). Отчет Доклинического Изучение препарата ГА-40. «Изучение безопастности и обшетоксического действия GA-40 согласно руководству пл экспериментольному (доклиническому) изучению новых фармакологических препаратов». Фармаколгическом Отделение Государственного Медицинского Университета Российской Федерации; Научно-Исследовательском Институте Физико-химической Медицины Минздрава Российской Федерации, Москва, Российская Федерация, стр. 1 – 264. 2005.
Ю.М.Лапухин (Академик РАМН РФ, проф., Директор института), А.К. Мартынов (к.м.н., Зав. Лаборатории). Отчет Доклинического Изучение препарата ГА-40. «Изучения Иммуномодуляторной Активности ГА-40». Фармаколгическом Отделение Государственного Медицинского Университета Российской Федерации; Научно-Исследовательском Институте Физико-химической Медицины Минздрава Российской Федерации, Москва, Российская Федерация, стр. 1 – 120. 2005.
Г. Думбадзе (Академик АНГ, Директор Института), Т. Хушиташвили, И. Шубладзе. Отчет Доклинического Изучение препарата ГА-40. Отчет Доклинического Изучение препарата ГА-40. «Изучения Иммуномодуляторной Активности ГА-40. Научно-Исследовательском Институте Экспериментальной и Клинической Медицины Тбилисского Государственного Медицинского Университета, Тбилиси, Грузия, 1994 , стр. 1 –33.
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Gagua R., Vepkhvadze R. Materials of Clinical Trials of the GA-40 Scientific Oncological Center of Georgia, the conclusion No. 2003/200 of 03.11.97
Gagua R., Vepkhvadze R. Materials of Clinical Trials of the GA-40 Scientific Oncological Center of Georgia, the conclusion No. 6000-288 dated 11.10.97.
Ю.М.Лапухин (Академик РАМН РФ, проф.). Директор института., А.К. Мартынов (к.м.н., Зав. Лаборатории). Отчет Доклинического и Клинического Изучение препарата ГА-40. «Изучение Молекулярных Механизмов Действия ГА-40. Фармаколгическом Отделение Государственного Медицинского Университета Российской Федерации; Научно-Исследовательском Институте Физико-химической Медицины Минздрава Российской Федерации, Москва, Российская Федерация, стр. 1 – 110. 2005.
Bashtan V.P., Kaydashev I.P., Aykyan A.Z. Dutsenko N. L. Clinical Trials of the GA-40. “The inducer of apoptosis GA-40 immunomodulator in the complex cancer therapy of the mammary gland". The highest state educational institution of Ukraine, Ukrainian medical academy, Poltava, Ukraine, 2010.
L.P.Chibisov, V.A.Boldyrev, Z.V.Shepil. Clinical Trials of the GA-40. The inducer of apoptosis GA-40 In schemes of therapy of the neck cancer of the uterus: “Iimmunocorrective effect and the directed modeling of initial radiosensitivity of a tumor”. Lugansk regional oncological clinic.2009.
Yakimov T.P., Kartashov S. M., Skritskaya T.V. Kalayeva A.G. Clinical Trials of the GA-40 “The comparative morphological characteristic of a cancer endometrium before and after application of preparation GA-40”. Kharkiv medical academy of the education.2007.
E.V.Rogovoy, L.G. Arhipov, I.L.Muravyev, A.V. Popovich. The pathophysiological analysis of effects of the preparation GA-40 and the anti-oxidant ionol on sharp hemic hypoxia during the research of various parts of rats by the vegetative and resonance test +". Chair of physiology Bukovinsky State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.2008.
A.M Pechonka. Clinical Trials of the GA-40. “ Application of the preparation GA-40 at various hepatitis C”.The Kiev Medical Institute named after Bogomolts Department Infectious Diseases. 17.11.12.
Doikovich I.T. “Treatment of oncological diseases and benign new growths by means of an immunotherapeutic medical preparation GA-40 with anti-cancerogenic properties”. The statistics of treatment are given on the basis of results of clinical tests during the period from 2009-2011. The center of quantum and genetic medicine - Zagreb, Croatia. 2011.
G. Aleksidze, T.Kandashvili, N. Aleksidze, D. Gordeladze, M. Dvali. The immunological shifts caused by toxic Patopopathies, the induced xenobiotics, and the possibilities of their correction. International Journal on Immunorehabilitation. 2004.
P. V. Doroshchenko. “ Clinical Trials of the GA-40.“Experience of application of the preparation GA-40 at virus hepatitis C ”. Odesa, Ukraine. 2010.
В.Ф.Коноваленко, Т.А.Тарасова. Клинические испытания. “Перспективы неадьювантного лечения препаратом ГА-40 больных меланомой кожи”. Институт онкологии АМН Украины.2012.
Кукушкина М.М. Шумилина К.С. Клинические испытания. “Исследования эффективности препарата ГА-40 при лечении больных меланомой кожи”. Национальный институт рака , научно-исследовательское отделение опухолей кожи и мягких тканей, научно-исследовательская лаборатория клинической иммунологии. Научно-исследовательское отделение опухолей кожи и мягких тканей Украина, 03022, г. Киев, ул. Ломоносова 33/43.
Л.П. Чибисов, В.А. Болдырева, З.В. Шепиль . Клинические испытания.” Индуктор апоптоза ГА-40 в схемах терапии рака шейки маткию. иммунокорригирующий эффект и направленное моделирование исходной радиочувствительности опухоли”. Луганский областной онкологический диспансер.2011.
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Л. Вашакидзе, В. Торонджадзе, К. Барбакадзе, М. Гачечиладзе, Н. Соломония. Клинические испытания. “GA-40” в иммунотерапии резистентного туберкулеза (MDRTB) легких. Национальный Центр Туберкулеза и Болезней Легких, Тбилиси, Грузия.
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Alexidze G., Dumbadze G., Moictsrapishvili M., Chakhunashvili G., Tuskia L., Shubladze I., Avaliani A.. Allergic Evaluating Effects of the GA-40 Preparation. Scientific-Research Center of Molecular Biomedicine “Neobios”, Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Clinical Medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University. First Congress of Oncologists of the Transcaucasian States, 1998, p.12.
Gedevanishvili M., Cikharulidze I., Gogitidze N., Alexidze G., Chakhunashvili G., Avaliani A.. The Study of Specific Activity of the GA-40 Means of Treatment on Standard Strains (B-16, Ca-755, LLC, L-1210). Conclusion of the Science Research Center of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the Tbilisi State Medical University, 1998.
Pirtzkhalaishvili D., Vepkhvadze R., Alexidze G., Chakhunashvili G., Avaliani A.. The Study of the GA-40 Means of Treatment on Primary Cell Cultures of Malignant Human Tumors. Conclusion of Carcinogenic Virus Laboratory of Oncological Scientific Center of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Georgia. 1997, № 293.
G. Alexidze, D. Pirtzkalaishvili, R.Gagua.Anticancerogenic and immunotropic properties of GA-40 preparation. Saint Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of The Patriarchate of Georgia, Bio-Medical Scientific Research Centre*. Oncological National Center of Georgia**. International conference “Antineoplastic agents”, Erevan 2012, May.
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Патофизиологическим анализ влияния препарата Ga-40 и антиоксиданта ионол на биохимические показатели печени при острой гемической гипоксии при ислесследованиы фрагмента печени крыс с помощью вегетативно-резонансного теста «ИМЕДИС-ТЕСТ +» / Ю. Е. Роговый, Л. Г. Архипова, И. Л. Муравьева, Г. Б. Попович / / Теоретические и клинические аспекты применения биорезонансной и мультирезонансной терапии: XИИИ Международная конференция, 2007 г.: тез. докл. — Москва, 2007. — Ч. I. — С. 288-293.
Роговый Ю.Е. Экспериментальное обобщение антинефросклеротических эффектов препарата GA-40 при тубуло-интерстициальном синдроме / Ю.Е. Роговый, Л.Г. Архипова, И.Л. Муравьева, В.Г. Савка, М.В. Дикал / / Теоретические и клинические аспекты применения биорезонансной и мультирезонансной терапии: XIII Международная конф., 21-22 апреля 2007 г.: тезисы и доклады. - М., 2007. - С. 294-300.
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Rogovoy Y.E., Pechinka A.M.І, Gogitidze Z.Dі., Konovalenko S.V.., Counteraction intoxication with heavy metals: the unique nephroprotective effects of plant peptides. Practicing doctor. – Vol.8 .№3/2019.
Anatoly Pechonka, Levan Kakliani, Zurab Gogitidze, Sergei Konovalenko, Irina Miroshnichenko., Anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic effects of plant regulatory peptides in patients with steatohepatitis and cirrhosis. Possibilities of prevention of primary liver cancer., Practicing doctor. – Vol.7 .№4 / 2018.

In the business program of the forum, the report was delivered on the use of plant polypeptides in modern pharmacology, and a Novel Immunotherapeutic and Anti-Cancer Drug GA-40 was presented.GA-40 was the winner of the competition of innovative developments and projects in the field of modern BIOTECHNOLOGY and received the gold medal of the forum.